
Me and My Selves: August. Lola. Charlie. Margot.

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Apr 29, 2014

ArtLoves: Nicolas Jolly

Per my newly instated morning routine, I give God thanks for providing me another opportunity to pursue happiness in this world. I then pry my eyes open with the light from my iPhone. I commence my Pinterest scroll in search of something pretty or inspiring. This morning, I came across a French artist by the name of Nicolas Jolly. As I surveilled his boards, I discovered truly great artwork. I found that Jolly's art is full of detail, skill and marvel. From what I've seen so far, his work includes engaging ink drawings, acrylics and watercolors. 

Random "I Didn't Know" Fact

The French government awards medals to honor families that have raised several children successfully. It's called the Médaille de la Famille française, or Medal of the French Family. There's a bronze medal for those raising four or five children. Then there's the silver for six or seven children. And finally the gold medal for parents of eight or more children. There are of course conditions that must apply to receive this award. I found this to be quite interesting indeed. Tis all for now.


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